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DataSeer 4.2 April 3, 2020

Here are release notes for DataSeer 4.2.

New Features

You can now print copies of the diagrams in your projects. This lets you do a visual check to ensure that you have extracted all of the required data from each diagram.

To use this feature, click on the toolbar and select the items to print.

Print Project window

You can also select to print items with their current color highlight, or apply the same color highlight to all items.


  • Updated the Login page to use the new DataSeer color scheme.


  • Fixed issue where expired session tokens didn't always get refreshed correctly.
  • Fixed issue that prevented you from downloading table data from a project if any of the diagrams had a blank diagram number.
  • Fixed issue that prevented users on devices with smaller screens from being able to extract data from diagrams.

Last update: November 9, 2020
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