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DataSeer 4.3.2 June 25, 2020

Here are release notes for DataSeer 4.3.2.

New Features

Approve all symbols

You can now approve all matching items at once during symbol reviews. This lets you approve everything instantly and saves you time reviewing large numbers of matches.

To approve all items, click on the Approve button and select Approve All on the Review window. In the example below, look how quickly you can approve 24 matching items.

Approve All example

Attributes Editor

When you have extracted symbols, you can use the new Attributes Editor to update symbol attributes. This makes it easier to edit details for extracted items.

To open the Attributes Editor, select the symbol class on the sidebar:

Attributes Editor

You can then click into the cells to edit attributes as necessary.


  • When you are extracting a symbol and select an icon to use, you now get a suggested name to use for that symbol.
  • Symbol names now display with initial caps, instead of all capital letters.

Performance Improvements

  • Enhanced symbol discovery during auto-labeling to improve performance.


  • Fixed the "Could not create symbol" error that prevented you from extracting symbols in certain situations.
  • Fixed issue that prevented you from printing details for Other Symbols.

Last update: November 5, 2020
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