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DataSeer 4.4.1 July 28, 2020

Here are release notes for DataSeer 4.4.1.


New Features

Coverage indicator

When you open a project, extracted items now display highlighted on each diagram. This lets you do a quick visual check to see whether you have extracted all necessary data.

New Coverage indicator

To remove the highlights for a symbol class, click next to that class on the sidebar.

Remove highlights for symbol class

To remove the highlights for all symbol classes, click Coverage button on the toolbar.

Remove highlights for all symbol classes

New sidebar

We have enhanced the sidebar to make it easier to see the items extracted. You will now see item counts for each symbol class and extracted items display in descending order (highest to lowest) by count.

New sidebar

For Auto-Label projects, you will also notice that the sidebar now only displays symbol classes that were detected.

New Notes attribute

Notes is now a default attribute for symbols in new projects. This means that when you extract symbols, you will now see Notes listed on the Attributes Editor.

New Notes attribute

You can then record notes for each item as necessary.


Read the Extracting Symbols article for more information on symbol attributes.

Nearby items

When you enable Selection mode and select an item, nearby items in the same symbol class are now highlighted.

Highlight nearby items


  • When you enable Selection mode and select an item, the Attributes Editor displays with only that item listed. This makes it easier to view/update the selected item.

    Select item example

  • The Diagram Viewer now uses brighter highlight colors for extracted items. This makes is easier to identify similar items on congested diagrams.

  • The invitation sent to new users now mentions the requirement to use Google Chrome.

Performance Improvements

  • Improved symbol identification accuracy during Auto-Label.
  • Reduced the download times for table data.
  • Upgraded the PDF rasterization utilities used to process diagrams.


  • Fixed issue with valve ID recognition.
  • Fixed issue with the wording on annotation instructions.
  • Fixed issue on the Attributes Editor that caused multiple rows to get selected at once.
  • Fixed issue that caused an error when approving instruments without unit numbers.
  • Fixed issue that caused the coordinates for extracted items to get calculated incorrectly.

Last update: January 19, 2021
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