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DataSeer 4.7.3 November 5, 2020

Here are release notes for DataSeer 4.7.3.

New Features

Predicted symbol rotation

To save you time in data extraction, DataSeer can now predict the rotation for valve symbols. To populate the rotation attribute for valves, simply open the Attributes Editor, click Find Attributes, select Line Number & Rotation, and click OK. DataSeer will then scan the diagrams to predict the rotation of each valve and suggest the value to use for each:

Predicted rotation example

Click OK to update the Rotation field for each valve with the predicted rotation:

Predicted rotation example 2


  • Enhanced the Attributes Editor to allow:

    • Sorting of data in columns

      Sort columns example

    • Reordering of columns

      Reorder columns example


  • Fixed issue with the sidebar that prevented you from scrolling to see the complete list of symbol types.
  • Fixed issue that caused blank text matches during Auto-Label.

Last update: December 2, 2020
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