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DataSeer 4.9.7 February 25, 2021

Here are release notes for DataSeer 4.9.7.


New Features

New workflow for symbol searches

We have enhanced the symbol search workflow to focus on finding matching symbols first. This means it will now take you less time to find what you are looking for.

Here's how it works:

After you annotate a symbol on a diagram, you will now see the Search Options window. This is where you specify the pages on which to look for symbols and whether to look for symbols at different orientations.

New symbol search 1

After you select your search options, the search results now display in just a few seconds. So you can quickly review the list of matches.

New symbol search 2

Next, you need to assign the symbols to a symbol type. This can be a new or existing type.

New symbol search 3

Finally, select whether you want DataSeer to look for symbol attributes.

  • If you click YES, DataSeer will scan the diagrams for matching attributes and you can accept or reject the suggestions.
  • If you click NO, you are taken straight to the Attributes Editor.

New symbol search 4

New orientation option for symbol searches

Symbols often display at a horizontal and vertical orientation on diagrams. In the past, you had to do two searches to extract the valves at each orientation.

Butterfly valves at different orientations

Now, you can select the Detect horizontal & vertical orientation checkbox on the Search Options window, and DataSeer will look for symbols that are horizontally or vertically oriented. This lets you find all of the symbols you are looking for in one search, resulting in even more time savings on your projects.

New orientation option


  • You can now add columns and rows to tables extracted by DataSeer. This makes it easier to add new information to tables extracted from legacy documents, and also allows you to handle situations where cells or rows were merged.

    New right-click menu


  • Fixed issue with the Text search that caused issues when extracting text blocks featuring ampersands (&).
  • Fixed issue that left some users unable to log back in after being logged out automatically due to inactivity.
  • Fixed issue that caused the bottom of the Upload window to get cut off on some devices.

Last update: March 8, 2021
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