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DataSeer 5.0.1 March 25, 2021

Here are release notes for DataSeer 5.0.1.


New Features

Annotated symbols can now be used as symbol icons

When you annotate a symbol, you can now use the annotation as the symbol's icon.

Custom symbol icon example

This makes it easier to identify custom symbols on the sidebar.

Custom symbol icon example 2

New Text Editor

The new Text Editor on the Text tab makes it easier to review and update extracted text.

New Text Editor

Text blocks display on the Text Editor based on their location on the diagram. So as you work down the list, the background diagram highlights move left to right, top to bottom.

Reassign text types

You can now reassign text blocks to a different type. This makes it easier to make adjustments to projects.


Read the Extracting Text article for instructions.


  • We have enhanced the Find Attributes feature for symbols. This lets you search for specific symbol attributes and gives you the flexibility to adjust searches for each symbol type.

    Find Attributes example

  • When you extract table data, you can now copy and paste values from multiple columns and rows in the table preview.

    Copy and paste multiple table rows example

  • The Label feature on the Text tab now extracts text automatically when possible. This lets you handle situations where you need to extract specific blocks of text and don't want to do a global search.

    Enhanced Label feature for text

  • A confirmation prompt now displays when you save a new template or overwrite an existing template. This lets you know the template was saved successfully.

Last update: April 6, 2021
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