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DataSeer 5.4.0 September 7, 2022

Here are release notes for DataSeer 5.4.0.

New Feature

Multipage Table Extraction

  • To help empower our users to more easily collect and deliver data contained within tables, we have added the option to apply the Table Extraction tool to the same location on all pages of a DataSeer project. This will allow for persisting data structures to be recorded within page specific interventions. Users will have an option to either download each pages's table seperately or in a single CSV with added columns indicated which page (in relation to upload) and drawing number the row of data was extracted from.

DataSeer Multipage Table Extraction

  • When leveraged, users will experience a novel navigation; being returned back to the DataSeer Project Library as the tool completes processing. Upon completion, users may reenter the project to inspect the data via the Tables tab.

Concurrent Projects

Users are advised to limit the number of max sized projects being processed concurrently to no more than 5 per active user.


  • Fixed issue that allowed users to advance from first page of Global Find Attributes without first selecting a class.

Upgrade Instructions

  • DataSeer updates automatically, so no manual steps are required.

Last update: October 10, 2022
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